Sometimes it’s only after I’ve finished making something that I realise the exciting potential of a pattern. Much to my surprise, M8090 fell straight into this category. I could see how the loose-fitting bodice design would offer much cool comfort on a warm summer’s day. But after all, isn’t it just another tiered dress pattern?  Even as I was cutting the pattern pieces for View A, I didn’t think of it to be anything out of the ordinary. I was too excited to finally be using this bright, red spotty fabric that had been long buried in my stash.  

Only viscose-crêpe isn’t on the recommended list. Oh well – keep calm and carry on sewing.  The pattern is labelled ‘easy’. For me, that doesn’t always equate to a ‘quick sew’. To complete the bodice, I was required to do a tiny bit of interfacing, a little bit of hand-basting and some slip-stitching. Where there are ruffles involved, there’s also plenty of fabric in need of gathering.  I’m glad I sized down from an S to an XS – it’s still billowy enough for it to be comfortable. However, View A is shorter than I’m comfortable with – above the knee for 5' 2” me. My arms also felt a little exposed in the three-quarter length sleeves. My solution – add more ruffles! On went the sleeve ruffle from View B and the lower ruffles of View C.

Grab issue 95 of Love Sewing here!

If you prefer more gathers in your tiers, I’d recommend cutting two sizes up, which is what I did for the lower ruffles. And just like that, I changed its fate from being a ‘never-worn’ to ‘most-worn’ summer dress.  How unfair of me to have suggested M8090 was just an ordinary pattern. The pattern pieces are perfect for mix ‘n’ match prints or colour-blocking. I’m already eyeing up all my pretty scraps for my second one.  Truly, this pattern is very unassuming and versatile – how unique you want it to be is entirely up to you.

Check out Lisa's amazing Instagram and follow her sewing journey @made_under_the_starry_sky

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